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EDITOR : Er. H.V. Meena


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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Sociology (Code No. 28)
Sociological Perspective
Sociology as a Science
Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences :
Economic, Political Science and Social Anthropology.
Basic Concepts :
Society : Meaning, nature and characteristics.
Community : Meaning and characteristics, Relationship with society.
Association : Meaning and characteristics.
Social Institution : Meaning, characteristics and forms; functions, difference between
Social institution and Association.
Social Group : Meaning and characteristics, Types - Primary and Secondary
Reference Group.
Social Interaction : Contact, communication and interest fulfilment.
Culture : Meaning, characteristics, components and cultural processes.
Social Structure : Meaning, characteristics and theories.
Social Stratification : Meaning, bases, forms and theories.
Status and Role : Meaning, types and mutual relationship.
Norms and Values : Meaning, types and mutual relationship.
Social Processes : Meaning, nature and forms-cooperation, competition and conflict.
Socialization : Concept, types, agencies and theories.
Social Deviance : Meaning, Forms and theories.
Social Change : Meaning, factors and theories. Change, progress and development,
Directed social change.
Magic, Religion and Science
Indian Society : Socio-cultural factors; Unity and diversity.
Caste in India : Features, origin and changing patterns.
Purusharatha and Varnasharma Vyavastha : Objectives, features and forms.
Marriage and Family in India : Features, forms, changes, problem and related
Kinship in India : Features, types and usages.
Residence and Descent : Rules, forms and primogeniture.
Status of Women in India : Changes, problems and related laws.
Population Problem in India : Causes, forms extent and remedies.
Current Social Problems in India : Casteism, communalism, regionalism, poverty,
bondage of labour, child misuse, environmental pollutions, crime and juvenile
delinquency and youth unrest.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in India : Problems, safeguard,
Constitutional provisions and related legislation.
Induced Social Change in India : Aims, Plans, Projects & Schemes. Rural and
Tribal Development strategies and Agencies.
Urbanization and Industrialization in India : Positive and negative implications
for social life in India.
Panchayati Raj in India
Economic and Political Systems of simple and complex societies.

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