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EDITOR : Er. H.V. Meena


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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Indian History

Indian History (Code No. 18)
1. Foundations of Indian Culture and Civilization; Indus Civilization. Vedic Culture,
Sangam Age.
2. Religious Movements : Buddhism, Jainism, Pauranika Hindusm.
3. The Mauryan Empire.
4. Trade and commerce in the pre-Gupta and Gupta periods.
5. Agrarian structure in the post-Gupta period.
6. Changes in the social structure of ancient India.
7. Political and social conditions of India between 800-1200 A.D.
8. The Delhi Sultanate ; administration and agratrian system.
9. The provincial dynasties; Vijayanagar Empire, society and administration.
10. The Indo-Islamic culture; religious movements of the 15th and 16th centuries.
11. The Mughal Empire (1526-1707); Mughal polity; agrarian system, art, architecture
and culture under the Mughals.
12. Beginning of trade with Europe.
13. The Maratha kingdom and confederacy.
14. The decline of the Mughal Empire; the autonomous states with special reference to
Bengal, Mysore and Punjab.
15. The East India Company and the Nawabs of Bengal.
16. British economic impact in India.
17. The Revolt of 1857 and other popular movements against the British rule in the 19th
18. Social and cultural awakening; the lower castes, trade union and peasant movements.
19.The Freedom struggle.

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