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EDITOR : Er. H.V. Meena


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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Economics (Code No. 12)
Part - I
1. National Income Accounting : National Income : Concepts, Components,
Measurement and Inter-relationship. National Income Deflator.
2. Price Theory : Indifference curve Approach. Consumer equilibrium. Cost curves.
Determination of prices under different market structure. Pricing of factors of
3. Money and Banking :Relationship between Money, Prices and output. Therories of
the Demand for money and supply.
4. International Trade : The theory of comparative costs; Ricardian and Heckscherohlin.
The balance of payments and the adjustment mechanism. Globalisation :
Impact of Foreign Trade.
Part - II
Economic growth and development : Meaning and Measurement; Indicators of
development. The Harrod-Domar Model and developing economies.
Part - III
Trends in key parameters of the Indian economy since 1985. Key Annual
Sectorial Growth rates during the current plan. NDP of India by Industry and origin at
constant prices during the 1990s. Globalisation and liberalisation of the Indian
economy with reference to Agriculture Industry and Foreign Trade. Indian Planning :
Its approaches, Strategies and overall achievements. Problems of poverty, inflation
and unemployment since 1980s.

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