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EDITOR : Er. H.V. Meena


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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Philosophy (Code No. 23)
I. Formal Logic :
(a) Traditional Logic : categorical propositions, square of opposition, syllosistic
arguments - figures and moods, rules of valid syllogism and fallacies, venndiagram
technique for testing the validity of syllogistic arguments.
(b) Propositional Logic : truth-functional connectives and propositional forms,
translation from ordinary discourse to formal language, truth tables;
tautologous, contradictory and contingent propositional forms, valid and invalid truthfunctional
arguments, derivations in propositional logic.
(c) Predicate Logic : Universal and existential quantifiers, translation from ordinary
discourse to formal language, square of opposition, valid and invalid arguments in
Monadic Predicate Logic.
II. Indian Ethics :
(a) Fundamental Concepts : Rta, yajna, rnaparisodha, dharma, karma and samsara,
pravrtti and nivritti, purusartha.
(b) Bhagavad Gita : Varna and asrama, svadharma, classification scheme of sattvika,
rajasika and tamasika; karma; bhakti and jnana; samatva as yoga and niskama karma,
(c) Bauddha and Jaina Ethics : The concept of dhamma, astangamarga, pancasila,
arhat; triratna, anuvrata and mahavrata, kevali.
III. Western Ethics :
Moral concepts-value, good and right, duty and right, moral judgement, theories of
moral standard, freedom and determinism, theories of punishment; meta-ethicsnaturalism,
emotivisim and prescriptivism, individual and society-egoism and altruism.
IV. History of Philosophy : Indian and Western :
Charvaka, Jainism, Buddhism, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Purva mimamsa
and Vedanta. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aguinas, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Locke,
Berkeley, Hume and Kant.

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